The language of the classes 



We have different levels in the balboa classes and in the slow bal classes. 

Levels in balboa classes: Intermediate, Intermediate-advance, Advance and Invitational.  

Levels in slow bal classes: Discovery, Improver and Experienced.

Please find the level description below.

Leader-follower ratio policy

We try to assure the best experience for all the participants and on the other hand always more followers than leaders would like to take part in the classes. Therefore in the intermediate, in the intermediate-advance and in the advance group we will allow max. 2 extra followers/class. The best if you register with your dance partner. If you register alone, you may be on waiting list 

Regarding the invitational level we won't allow extra leaders or followers, the best is you apply in couples. If you apply alone, you may  be on the waiting list.


We won't have an audition. We believe that the most efficient way for your learning is that you take part in the class that fits best to your skills. As there will be no audition this is your responsibility. If you are not sure, you can ask the organisers to help you. In case we observe in the first classes that you are not in the right group we will kindly ask you to change the group. In this case please don't take it personal, just trust in the teachers, they want the best for you.

You can get a spot to invitational level in 2 ways:

1. If you are invited to this level. Unfortunatelly we have no contact to all the dancers in the world who we should invite. So if you are a top dancer and you are interested to join to our festival, but you haven't got an invitation please apply for it in the registration. You are most welcome!

2. If you apply for it. If we don't know you, we need more information about your dance skills to be able to decide if this is your level. Therefore we ask you about your experiences and ask to send us a short video about your dancing in the registration form. The video can be record of your practice, social dancing or competition. Please upload the video to Youtube or any other type of file/video sharing application. If the video is not public please set the visibility to "Unlisted" instead of "private". Thank you!

Levels in balboa classes:


This is your level if you started to dance balboa minimum 1 year ago and you know the basics of pure-bal (uphold, downhold, some travelling steps, single time, double time, crab walks, come around,...), you know the basic bal-swing elements, throw outs, inside turns, lollies, swivels, out and in. You want to jump more deeply into balboa, increase your vocabulary and feel comfortable for a faster tempo.


This is your level if you have solid basics, in addition you make more variations, you are able to dance for faster tempos but struggling on real high tempos. You want to improve your technique, musicality, you are looking for the flow of your dance and want to learn more complex variations. You enjoy parties, you have already taken part in a couple of workshops beside your regular classes. 


You are an experienced dancer, started to dance several years ago. You do several footwork and rhythm variations, some fancy moves and dance as much as you can. Fast tempo is not a problem for you. You took part on some international festivals and balboa became your passion.


This is your level if balboa is more just a passion. You feel that balboa is calling you and you can't imagine your life without it. You are a very experienced dancer, maybe a balboa teacher or you are competing time to time in international festivals. We would like to assure the best learning environment so we maximize the number of participants in this group and we won't make any compromise in the level just to have the planned number of people in the group. The group will run with a few couples also.

Levels in slow balboa classes:


This is your level if you never danced balboa or you might take a taster class some time ago.


You already have a nice basic and you may have some nice moves in your packet. You dance slow balboa in the parties but you would like to improve your vocabulary and style. 


You are an experienced slow balboa dancer, you feel how beautiful this way of dancing is. You regularly dance slow balboa and visit workshops, maybe international festivals.